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Story Sequence Panel

The Story Sequence Panel manages the UI layer for Story Sequence Playback. It handles Text display for the Sequence.

It is responsible for Playing Sequences and handling certain Speech Bubble Display requirements.

Panel Properties

Continue Display

The Continue Display Properties are responsible for handling the visibility and input for the Button that Advances Frames.

  • Next Frame Button: The Button that, when clicked, will Advance the Frame.

  • Continue Group: The Canvas Group that hold the Button. Will be faded in and out based on the following floats…

  • Continue Fade In Delay: The time between the Start of the new Frame and when the Continue Group will Fade in.

  • Continue Fade In Duration: The time it takes to Fade in the Continue Group.


A reference to the Story Sequence Letterboxer, a class which adds Black Bars to the top and bottom of the screen.

Dialog References

Dialog References are pointers to Data required by certain Text Styles.

  • Caption: The Image that backs the Caption Text, used by the Caption Text Style.

  • Caption Text: The Text used by the Caption Text Style for its display.

  • Speech Bubble Positions: An Array of Rect Transforms that function like Slots for positioning the Speech Bubble Text Style’s visuals in the Canvas.

Debug Display

The Debug Display contains a reference to the Debug Label, a TMPText UGUI Component, used to render the name and frame on screen during a Sequence (when enabled, like in the case of the Screenshot Utility).

While the Debug Display is unlikely to be Player facing, remember, it IS built into the App. So take care to not add an extra TMP Font to the project here, try to recycle an existing font and font size so you don’t add any memory overhead.