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Slot Tools

Slot Tools are a Scene View Overlay that appear while you are working in the Tool Suite and have a Camera Angle or Actor Slot selected.

About Slot Tools

Which controls are presented will depend on what type of Slot you have currently selected. If you have selected a Camera Angle you will see:

  • Place Cam: Sets the current Frame’s Camera Angle 1 to this Slot.

  • Animate Cam: Sets the current Frame’s Camera Angle 2 to this Slot.

  • Focus Cam: If there is also an Actor assigned to the Slot you have Selected, this field will be active and you can pick an Actor to set Camera Angle 1’s Offset to the selected Actor’s Focal Point.

  • Focus Anim: If there is also an Actor assigned to the Slot you have Selected, this field will be active and you can pick an Actor to set Camera Angle 2’s Offset to the selected Actor’s Focal Point.

If you have an Actor Slot selected you’ll see these additional shortcuts:

  • Focus Blocking: Expands the Frame Editor’s Blocking Array and highlights just the Blocking Element of the Actor at this Slot.

  • Add Blocking: Adds a new element to the Blocking Array and sets its Actor Slot 1 to this Slot.

  • Place Existing Actor: Expands a list of all Actors in the Frame, selecting one will set that Actor’s Blocking’s Actor Slot 1 to the Selected Slot.

  • Animate Existing Actor: Expands a list of all Actors in the Frame, selecting one will set that Actor’s Blocking’s Actor Slot 2 to the Selected Slot.