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CSV Import / Export

Story Sequences can be imported from CSV or exported to CSV

Importing from CSV

  • Open the Story Sequence Layout (by Editing a Sequence ScriptableObject or via the Story Sequence Menu at the top of the Editor)

  • Navigate to the Timeline Editor Window

  • Click the ‘Import’ Button and select the CSV file you wish to Import.

  • The first Column of Sequence CSVs must contain the Sequence’s Name. When Sequence Names change new Sequences will be created and imported. In this way you can quickly batch import many Sequences within a single CSV file.

Exporting to CSV

  • Open a Sequence in the Story Sequence Layout

  • Navigate to the Timeline Editor Window

  • Click the Export button and choose a location to save the resulting CSV


  • Select a Sequence in the Project View

  • In the Inspector View click the Export Button and choose a location to save the resulting CSV

CSV Format Rules

Story Sequences always utilize the CSV Schematic defined in the StorySequenceEditorConfig (and Project Settings). This is done to reduce the clicks necessary to Import and Export. Make sure you modify or replace the target Schematic there if you wish to alter Sequence Importing or Exporting.

The Story Sequence CSV Parser makes some assumptions about the structure of CSVs for Importing and Exporting Sequences. The rules you should expect to follow without modifying the system are:

  • Cells don't need the Frame pathing included in their value. You don't need to include '[X]. It will be added automatically by the Parser.

  • The first column in Sequence CSV data will always be treated as the Sequence Name! Make sure your Schematic leaves a placeholder Cell at the start of the Array.

  • The Column Name 'Actor' is used, in combination with the 'Facing' cell (WHICH MUST COME IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ACTOR CELL) to find the correct Actor Data Asset. Make sure you have Actor and Facing cells together and don't add any extra characters to their Column Name.

  • Worth noting, you could simply define the specific ActorDataAsset you want in your CSV’s, supply the correct PropertyPath, and don’t have any Columns Named ‘Actor’ to not make use of this pattern.