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  • The act of moving from one Stage to the next.
  • The player loses all their Generator Units and Game Currency, but retains all other progress.

Ascension Score

  • A value used to determine what Reward a player gets when Ascending.
  • How the value is generated varies by game. In TPB, the value is dictated by how well the player does in a tapping mini-game at the end of each Stage. Another implementation could generate the value based on how well the player has done within the Stage.
    • In CanvasAscensionGameplay, we introduced the field double _ascensionPower multiplier and the tapping mini game to mimic the calculation of such ascension score.

Ascension Score Required


Collector Entity

Collector Entity Data

Collector Data

Collector Balance

Collector Balance Base Payout Amount

Collector Balance Payout Entity Id

Collector Balance Base Duration



Looping Content

  • A Content which has an infinite number of Stages which are generated by looping through the Stages. Once the player reaches the final Stage, they can Ascend and return to the first Stage. This is usually accompanied by an increase in the difficulty of the Stage. An example of Looping Content can be found in the IdleKit-examples repository.

Stage Ids

  • The Ids of all the Stages within the Content. Stages will usually be played in order by the player when Ascending.







Exchange Rate Multiplier



Generator Entity Data

Generator Data

Generator Balance

Generator State

  • A Generator can be in various states. The following are included in IdleKit: WaitToBuyState, ProduceState, AutoCollectState, WaitToCollectState


  • The ability for a Generator to automatically collect the Payout Entity Id, even when the player is not in an active session.

Generator Balance Base Payout Amount

Generator Balance Payout Entity Id

Generator Balance Base Unit Cost

Generator Balance Unit Currency Id

Generator Balance Base Duration

Generator Balance Ramping Coefficient

Generator Units

Unit Target

Unit Target Sequence



Reward Id

Automate Generators Goal

  • Automate a number of Generators
  • e.g. “Automate 3 businesses”

Automate Generator Type Goal

  • Automate a single specific Generator, referenced by id
  • e.g. “Automate the Dirty Dancer”

Buy Generator Type Goal

  • Build a single specific Generator, referenced by id
  • e.g. “Build the Dirty Dancer”

Collect Currency Type Goal

  • Collect a specific amount of Currency
  • e.g. “Collect 5.00E+08 Cash”

Collect Currencies with Tags Goal

  • Collect a specific amount of Currency with specified Tags
  • e.g. "Collect 5 Rare Cards"

Collect Upgradeable Currency Type Goal

  • Collect a specific amount of Upgradeable Currency.
  • e.g. “Collect 10 Ricky Cards”
  • NOTE: The “any” field would allow you to collect any Upgradeable Currency, but this is not yet implemented.

Collect From Generator Type Goal

  • Collect a number of times of a specified Generator
  • e.g. "Collect from Dirty Dancer 5 times"

Collect Reward Type Goal

  • Collect a number of a specific IReward
  • e.g. "Collect 5 Gold Chests"

Dynamic Goal

Dynamic Collect Currency Type Goal

  • A specific implementation of the Dynamic Goal.
  • Collect a dynamically calculated amount of Currency based on how many Generators are currently Automated in the current stage, calculates the total Currency payout per second, and sets a target amount based on Duration
  • The Target Progression is calculated when the Goal is presented to the player and doesn’t change once created
  • The Amount field is a manual fallback value in case no Generators are Automated
  • To the player, this Goal is indistinguishable from a standard Collect Currency Type Goal

Dynamic Collect Currencies With Tags Goal

  • A specific implementation of the Dynamic Goal.
  • Collect a dynamically calculated amount of one or more ICurrency with the specified tags
  • The properties of this Goal behaves like Dynamic Collect Currency Type Goal

Get Generator Units For All Generators Goal

  • Get all Generators to a specific number of Generator Units
  • e.g. “Get 1000 Customers for all Businesses”

Get Generator Units For Generators Goal

  • Get a specific number of Generators to a specific number of Generator Units
  • e.g. “Get 1000 Customers for 5 Businesses”

Get Generator Units For Generator Type Goal

  • Get Generator Units for a single specific Generator, referenced by id
  • e.g. “Get 1000 Customers for Dirty Dancer”

Get Total Generator Units Goal

  • Get a total number of Generator Units from any Generator
  • e.g. “Get 10000 Total Customers”

Get Upgrades For Currency Type Goal

  • Upgrade a single specific Currency a number of times, referenced by id
  • e.g. “Upgrade Ricky 3 times”

Hit Generator Unit Targets Goal

  • Hit Generator Unit Targets a number of times
  • Starts count after the Goal is created, not retroactive for Stage
  • e.g. “Get 15 Customer Bonuses”

Make Any Trade Goal

  • Make a number of Trades
  • e.g. "Accept 5 Trades"

Make Trade Type Goal

  • Make a number of specified Trades
  • e.g. "Trade a Rare card for Coins"

Spend Currency Type Goal

  • Spend a specific amount of Currency, referenced by id
  • e.g. “Spend 1000 Coins”

Spend Currencies With Tags Goal

  • Spend an amount of Currencies associated with the specified Tags
  • e.g. "Spend 10 Rare Cards"

Upgrade Any Currency Goal

  • Upgrade any Upgradeable Currency
  • e.g. “Upgrade 3 Cards”

Upgrade Currencies With Tags Goal

  • Upgrade Upgradeable Currencies associated with the specified Tags
  • e.g. "Upgrade 3 Rare Cards"






Modifier Group Data

Modifier Formula

  • IModifierFormula is used by IStage to apply numeric logic to groups of Modifiers.
  • IModifierFormulaData contains the affected IModifiable types, as well as the actual formula that indicates which mathematical operations are applied to the value from each IModifierGroupData.
  • e.g. IModifierFormulaData.formula = "base * 4 + ( modifierGroupId1 * modifierGroupId2 )"


Timed Boost



Ascension Reward

  • A Reward that is granted when the player Ascends from a Stage.
  • Usually contains a number of different tiers of Reward, the specific one granted is determined by the player's Ascension Power.

Currency Reward

Currency Available Reward

Gacha Reward

Gacha Slots

Random Obtained Currency Reward

Random Unobtained Currency Reward

Store Timed Reward



Ascension Reward Id

Generator Entity Ids

Goal Track IDs

Available Currency Ids








Upgradeable Currency

Upgrade Level Data

Upgrade Requirement

Upgrade Requirement Id

Upgrade Requirement Amount



  • The filename of the Unity asset to be created
  • Naming conventions are flexible and at the user’s discretion
  • Doesn’t need to match the ID


  • The unique identifier that Unity uses to identify and link the asset
  • Naming conventions are flexible and at the user’s discretion

Saved Data

