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Setting up Google Sheets for Beamable

Beamable allows designers to configure how the game works within Google Sheets. We'll be setting up 4 sheets to create data with in the game.

1. Make a Copy of the Sheets

There are four required sheets needed to publish data into Beamable. These sheets need to be in the same folder within Google Drive. - 2.X.0 BASE ... Idlekit Balance - 2.X.0 GLOBAL ... Idlekit Balance - 2.X.0 MAIN GAME ... Idlekit Balance - 2.X.0 EVENT ... Idlekit Balance

Contact IdleKit through Slack or email if you need a link to the release sheets.

To copy the sheets:

  • Navigate to the Google Drive folder containing the four data sheets
  • Copy the sheets in the folder and move them into an appropriate space in your team or project Google drive


Workbook names are not used in any of the publishing processes so they can be renamed to follow your own naming standards.


Do not change the location of the headers, or rearrange the data within these sheets. These locations must be preserved in order for the Beamable tools to function. You may add additional sheet tabs.

2. Install the Game Content Design Tool

3. Open the Game Content Design Tool

  • Open one of the four sheets.
  • Open the BASE sheet. (Note, you may open any sheet to sign in to the tool.)
  • Navigate to Add-ons → Game Content Designer → Account Settings

  • Portal

4. Sign into the Game Content Design Tool

In order to sign in to this sheet, you will need to locate the CID number generated by Beamable within Unity.

  • Within the idlekit-showcase project, locate and open the file config-defaults.txt
  • Copy the CID number from this text file.
  • Use this number, your email address, and password to sign into the Game Content Design Tool.

  • Portal

5. Add Missing Tag Information

In order for Beamable to recognize our sheets, we will add information into each of the four sheets using the Game Content Design Tool.

  • Open the sheet with the Sheet Name containing BASE to start.

  • Navigate to Add-ons → Game Content Designer → Content Management Panel

  • Click the Edit Button under the Workbook Tags section

  • Workbook Tag

  • Type in Tag base

  • Workbook Tag

  • Press Ok

6. Repeat Step 5 for each sheet

Repeat Step 5 filling in the appropriate tag for each sheet using the tags below.

Sheet Name Tag
L.X.0 BASE ... Idlekit Balance base
L.X.0 GLOBAL ... Idlekit Balance global
L.X.0 MAIN GAME ... Idlekit Balance mg_content
L.X.0 EVENT ... Idlekit Balance ev-CO_content


Tag data is lost when the sheets are copied. Always make sure the sheets are tagged.

7. Upload data to your Beamable Realm

Now that the sheets are tagged, they are ready to be uploaded to the Beamable Realm.

  • Navigate to Add-ons → Game Content Designer → Content Management Panel
  • Ensure that you're using the XXXX-Prod realm for this example
  • This will later match inside of Unity

  • Prod Selection

  • Under Export content To: Press the button Beamable Content

  • Export Content

  • Select all 4 worksheets

  • Export Content Selection


If the sheets do no show up within the Workbooks to publish to Beamable Content dialog, check for missing tag information. This will happen when working with new/copied workbooks for the first time.

  • Press Publish
  • Press Yes on the next dialog that pops up


This process may take several minutes.

  • Converting Content

8. View data within Unity

  • Within Unity, navigate to Window → Beamable → Open Content Manager
  • Or navigate to Window → Beamable → Toolbox
  • Then press the Content button to open the Content Manager

  • Ensure you're using the XXXX-Prod Realm to match where we uploaded the data earlier

  • Realm Selection

  • Press the Download button to download your content from the portal

  • Beamable Download

  • Your content will download for you to view and change within Unity


This process may take several minutes.

  • Unity Beamable Content

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