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IdleKit Overview

IdleKit is a frontend game logic framework, built in Unity, to support the development of idle games.

There is an IdleKit showcase project which is our demo project demonstrating the core functionality of Idlekit. It comes with a number of examples, and a full scene that demonstrates most of the IdleKit functionality. Click Here for instructions on how to install the showcase project in addition to IdleKit, or continue on this page for instructions to access and start working with the core IdleKit code.

There are two main ways to access the IdleKit package:

1. Through Github
2. Through the Unity Package Manager

GitHub Setup

If you current do not have access to the GitHub repositories for IdleKit, please reach out to IdleKit support via Slack or email. We enable the ability to fork these repositories into your own GitHub spaces should you wish to access the code and assets in that way.

The IdleKit repositories are available on GitHub. You may find them in the following locations:

IdleKit: (
Showcase: (


If you are using GitLab, BitBucket, or any other source control service, we will give you access to the IdleKit repositories via GitHub, and you can mirror these repositories into your own. If this does not work with your workflow, reach out to IdleKit support via Slack or email, and we will find a solution that works best for you.

Unity Package Manager Setup

We will need to manually modify a file to allow Unity to be aware IdleKit packages within the Unity Package Manager.

Modifying the Project's manifest file.

We will be modifying the file Packages/manifest.json inside of your Unity project to use the Unity Package Manager to find the repositories.

In the project, locate the Packages folder, and open manifest.json

The changes you make to this file will depend on what method Unity will be using to access the IdleKit codebase. Those are: - Git Mode (for importing data or testing) - Advanced Developer Mode (aka local mode)

For building or testing the project under normal development, Unity can access the repositories through the UPM.

In the Unity project's Packages/manifest.json file, add a link to the IdleKit repository (i.e: ssh://git[com](github/com)/Idlekit/idlekit.git#{branchname}).

Ensure the links point to your forked repos under the dependencies section.

        "dependencies": {
            "com.beamable": "{current beamable version}",
            "com.idlekit": "ssh://git[com](github/com)/Idlekit/idlekit.git#{branchname}",


{current beamable version} will be the version used in the latest release-L.X branch.


{branchname} should be the branch you want to work on.


If you get authentication errors trying to load the packages, you can use this bash script to ensure Unity loads your SSH keys

Developer Mode

Use this setup if you are making changes directly to the IdleKit package.

If you have a local version of the IdleKit code, you can update the manifest.json file with that local file location. This file location replaces the ssh entry. You will need to pull any changes in manually as the Unity Package Manager will be unaware of changes to the remote repository.

  • Mac:

            "dependencies": {
                "com.idlekit": "file:../../idlekit",

  • Windows:

            "dependencies": {
                "com.idlekit": "file:C:\\[path_to_local_packages]\idlekit",


After importing the IdleKit packages to Unity, you will still need to configure Beamable. Refer to this page for help on setting up Beamable.


See our Troubleshooting guide or reach out to us on slack, if you encountered any difficulties.