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Goal GetGeneratorUnitsForAllGeneratorsGoal
Description A Goal that is complete when the player buys a specified number of units for all Generators within the Stage.
Example Get 1000 customers for all Businesses
Inheritance Goal
Target All Generators within the Stage whether they have been purchased by the player or not.
Target Amount The number of units that the customer must buy for each Generators. Specified via GetGeneratorUnitsForAllGeneratorsGoalData.Amount.
Progression The Goal progresses by 1 whenever a Generator reaches the target number of units specified via . For example, a Goal could be authored that requires the player to get all Generators within the Stage to 100 units/customers.
Pre Activation Generator units that have been accumulated before the Goal becomes active will count towards the target.
Post Activation Generators that are purchased by the player after the Goal becomes active will still be eligible for contribution toward the target.
Remarks This Goal overrides the behaviour of Goal.TargetProgression by automatically overriding it to be the number of Generators within the Stage. The target amount remains the number of units that the player needs to buy for each Generator.