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Goal CollectCurrenciesWithTagsGoal
Description A Goal which is complete when a certain amount of one or more target Currencies have been collected by the player. This is often used to target Currencies with a specific Rarity
Example Get 2 Rare Cards
Inheritance CollectGoal
Target The target Currencies are specified via one or more Tag Ids (CollectCurrenciesWithTagsGoal.TargetTagDatas). At runtime, these Tag Ids are resolved into one or more Currencies. The CollectCurrenciesWithTagsGoal.TargetAllTags is used to specify whether a target Currency needs to contain all or just one of the Tag Ids specified in CollectCurrenciesWithTagsGoal.TargetTagDatas.
Target Amount The amount of tagged Currency the player must collect.
Progression Each time the player collects units of the target Currency, the Goal is progressed by the number of collected units. For example, if the player collected 10 units of a Rare Currency, and the Goal was targeting Currency tagged with Rare, the progress would be incremented by 100. This continues until the target amount has been reached, at which point the Goal is complete.
Post Activation Only Currency collected after the Goal has become active counts towards the progression of the Goal.