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IEventSettings is a globally accessible object that provides Milestone Reward mapping capabilities for an IEventContent. Each IEventContent requires a corresponding IEventSettings object. The IEventService collects and uses these objects to manage reward claiming across different Contents.


The IEventSettings must always be loaded so that it is globally accessible from all Contents. Using this smaller subset of data allows you to safely unload IEventContent when the player is in a different content while still supporting reward claiming and event displays.

Event Duration

All the data for the EventSettings entities is defined in the events.EventSettingsData sheet in the GLOBAL machine readable sheet.

The duration of each event is defined by the lengths of its phases. An event normally consists of 2 phases: an announcement phase and the main phase.

The first announcement phase is to be used for advertising an upcoming event to the player. IdleKit will not allow the player to enter the event during its first phase. The second main phase is to be used for the actual event. During this phase the player can enter the event.

The phase durations are defined in the Phases property of the EventSettingsData.

Event leaderboard rank rewards

The rank rewards for players participating in an event are defined in the RankRewards property in the EventSettingsData. Each rank reward contains a min and a max rank for which they are granted. The min and max values can have overlapping values on several rewards, so a player that finishes the event with a rank of 3 would get both of the following rewards if their min and max ranks were defined like so:

Rank 1: Min 1 - Max 3 Rank 2: Min 3 - Max 7

An additional property that defines what IReward the player would receive for finishing the event within the confines of the defined rank. The ranks and rewards are associated with each other in order. Which means an entry from EventSettingsData.RankRewards at index 0 would correspond to an entry from EventSettingsData.RankRewardDataIds at index 0.

You can use the ClaimRankRewards(...) method within the IEventLeaderboardsService to claim the leaderboard rank rewards the player has earned in an event.


Any data that is not exposed in the EventSettingsData can be retrieved by using the Beamable.EventsService Beamable-specific service and its method GetCurrent().



  • IEventSettings - This interface defines methods to use for completing IMilestone objects, claiming IReward objects as well as properties for IEventSettingsData and IEventSettingsSavedData.

  • IEventSettingsData - This interface defines a list of MilestoneRewardPair objects, an eventContentId which refers to its associated IEventContent, a uniqueEventContentId which is this event's unique id, an associated IContent where rewards can be claimed, and a method to return the mapped IReward of an IMilestone.

  • IEventSettingsSavedData - This interface defines properties to serialize completed IMilestone ids and track if rewards have been claimed. It also contains information on all the milestones completion time and whether it has been actually completed or not in MilestoneCompletionInfo.

See EventContent for more information on the rest of this diagram.


The Projection Service documentation contains information on how we calculate an estimation to the completion time of an IMilestone that is then stored in the MilestoneCompletionInfo.

How do I?...

Display a time until the event starts/ends in ui?

Each time a new phase of an event starts, the EventSettings instance for that event subscribes to the ITimerService for the duration of that phase. This subscription can be used to display the event's length in UI or to display the time until the event starts, by displaying the duration of the first (announcement) phase.